

The music department is very much involved in a variety of Extra Curricular activities and events which promote a sense of belonging, an opportunity to be creative, and a social outlet for musicians.

Liturgical Choir: This group is made up of all year groups who are interested in performing at our liturgical events such as the opening mass, advent services, Lent and graduation mass. Students are also encouraged to perform on their chosen instrument. 

Ukulele Morning Tuition: Junior students are offered group-based ukulele lessons.

Lunchtime Music Space: Each week the music room is made available to students who are interested performing/ creating music. It is a wonderful opportunity for likeminded students to meet and discuss their common interests and talents. During this time, we often prepare for various events such as the annual talent show, carol singing, lunch time recitals, practical preparation, and preparation for the Emmanuel programme.

Carol Singing: A Christmas repertoire is developed each year with a selection of 15-20 students. Each year we perform in Dundrum town Centre and Stillorgan Village and raise money for charity

TY Musical: Each year we host a TY musical production alongside St. Raphaela's post primary local girl's school. The rehearsals begin in October and the show is held in March.

Benildus Got Talent: This event takes place in December and auditions take place in early Novemeber. This is a great opportunity for us to show case our talented students. Application forms are made available to every year group. The show takes place during the last three classes on a Friday. First year students attend the show and witness the wide range of talent on offer here in St. Benildus College.

Seachtain na Gaeilge: In the lead up to Seachtain na Gaeilge the music department pay particular attention to Irish music and culture. Students are encouraged to perform traditional music and translate lyrics into Irish. Students get an opportunity to showcase these skills during a lunchtime recital in the music room where fellow students and staff are welcome to attend

Emmanuel Concert: This concert takes place annually in the Helix Theatre in March. Students from all year groups sign up to the event. Preparation for this event begins in October. Students learn and prepare a prescribed repertoire of liturgical music which is then performed along side other schools accompanied by an orchestra. Students can audition for a solo if they wish to do so. 

Trips: Frequent trips are organised to music performances such as the National Concert Hall

Feb 17
School Closed - Mid term break
Mar 17
School Closed
Apr 14
School Closed - Easter Holidays
May 05
School Closed
Kilmacud Road Upr, Stillorgan, Blackrock, Co Dublin, A94X886
01 298 6539
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